Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Well it snowed today, wet, horrible snow that is no good for playing in. Miserable weather for the end of March. So wellies on C and I sloshed our way to swimming, which was better than last week. She was actually making an effort. She is desperate to get a light blue hat so I told her she had to work hard with no messing if she wants to be good enough to move up a level. It seems to have worked.

We were picked up as it was still snowing. C wasn't really quite right all day, she was complaining of a sore tummy which was a bit ominous bearing in mind there has been a vomiting bug going round at school. Nothing came of it, but she flopped around the house all afternoon. She was offered a shopping trip and declined but W accepted as he wanted to make sure that I bought sweets for the car for the journey under the sea on Friday! He also made sure I bought some chocolate doughnuts round things, which he thoroughly enjoyed for pudding after tea.

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