
By WilsonsNewDad


World Talk Like A Sea-dog day be a right special day o' the year fer all antgobblers, an' Pastafarians in gen'ral, so 'ere be a special message an' a free piece o' booty from yer ol' shipmate Blackhearted Wilson:
Belay, Matey – be it already a 'ole twelvemonth since the last international talk like a gen'lman o' fortune day?
I can't scarce believe it – yet it be so!
Make full certain ye talk like a Sea Artist from sunup t' passin' out time, or yer shipmates'll keelhaul ye fer a scurvy bilge rat!
'Ere be a free slops mat fer ye, so ye don't make a mess o' the galley when yer spills yer grog!
Mayhap ye should print it on blottin' paper, so it be a bit more soakey-uppy!
Now away with ye, afore ye tastes me cutlass, ye saucy lad… or wench

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