Treading Carefully

Visiting Dad.

We checked in after a huge amount of hassle late into the evening yesterday into the only room available it seemed in West Yorkshire. It was a Saturday night. The hotel really were having a laugh with the price however this had to be as I couldn't go home to Mum with having been holding Dad's hand with NO PPE in place in A&E except for my mask. I didn't care at the time.

Dad is now in the Covid Ward and allowed no visitors (massive difference to yesterday's admittance) unless it's an end of life scenario (we did have those talks)  etc so glad I went in when I did. What good it did I am not sure; I'd like to feel we both felt better for it but don't think Dad did really as he was not too with it,  unable to talk, eat breath well or anything really. To say it was horrid doesn't even cut it. 

Will be testing on Tuesday for Covid and am very worried honestly but it's not all about me.

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