It’s a gas!Gas! gas

Those Rolling Stones lyrics came to mind as we walked with our youngest and his partner along the Regent Canal after a Hackney pub lunch and a slow drive from Cheltenham. The last four miles took over an hour!

Our baby was none the worse for his 111 mile cycle yesterday and had we not planned to visit their new home he would probably have cycled back today anyway!

We loved exploring this part of London with its extensive parks, seemingly endless street markets and a global menu of mouthwatering street food.

We got home more quickly as the majority of the traffic was London bound including a high speed Police convoy possibly taking the PM from Chequers to Northolt on his way to the USA?

These gasometers beside the Regent Canal in Hackney provided both an historic glimpse back to town gas days and a prophetic glance into a country rapidly running out of affordable gas completely.

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