
By IrvingFlashman

Someone please wave a magic wand

This is my wand. It isn't magical. I wish it was.

Came home for the Easter holidays today. I miss my friends.

I said goodbye to Thomas today. I gave him all of his things which he has left around my house. He barely managed to get out of bed to say goodbye. I don't think he realizes this is the end. It's his choice though.

I'm scared and I'm sad. He has been my life for sixteen months. He found me at a time when I needed him and over the past year or so he has stitched me back together. If I believed in angels I would be without a doubt that one brought him to me.
Now I have to be without him and I'm scared. It's hard to hold yourself together when there's nobody else there to hug you and help you. I know I will be fine, but I don't want to have to wait until that point.
There is nobody I feel comfortable enough with to be able to tell them how sad I am, so I'll just splash it all over the internet instead and tell everyone that I am actually fine.

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