By lizzie_birkett

4 Boys in a Tree!

The boiler was all finished today and I was able to get everywhere clean at the top of the cellar steps where we have the washing machine and dryer underneath the new boiler. Now we can put shelving there to store all kinds of stuff like washing powder/liquid and pegs. Cleaning products, gardening things and all manner of other things which will no doubt find a home there.
We ordered a shelving system today.

My knee is a lot better today - not 100% but I went for a walk this afternoon with Frank and Bella. On the way back to our back garden I saw the neighbour’s boys up the tree. They are great kids, always outdoors playing.

While I was knitting - with my leg elevated on the sofa - I was watching a Youtube video from an animal charity I have supported for about 25 years.  Founded by Jill Robinson MBE, Animals Asia have worked tirelessly  rescuing moon-bears and sun-bears from the cruel bear bile industry - used for Chinese medicine. They also campaign against dog and cat meat and educate the people - particularly children - throughout Asia and the whole world about animal welfare.

If you are interested here is the link to this wonderful, uplifting video. There aren’t any nasty bits in the film just the positive actions of this wonderful charity.


Now I’m going to watch the Coldplay concert shared by HarlingDarling on her Blip yesterday.

Goodnight Blippers ;-)X

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