Best Cup of Tea!

This humble cup of tea made with a very ordinary tea bag is arguably one of the best cups of tea I’ve ever had.  I felt I should explain my absence from blipfoto after making an almighty effort on the 1st of September to turn over a new leaf and post every day again.

To cut a long story short I found myself being carted off to Katoomba Emergency Department in an Ambulance after a nasty turn.  It turned out that I had suffered an attack of Diverticulitis.  I guess my worst nightmare during this Covid Pandemic was the thought of being in hospital and on top of that being carted off to Nepean Hospital approx. 50km from Blackheath under the cloud of having to have a surgical procedure.  There is some good news here.  That didn’t eventuate and I was sent home armed with a script for antibiotics and a new diet regime to follow for a few weeks.  

I have to admit this little adventure did put the wind up me to say the least and I have been taking it easy over the past few days.  (I am back blipping this image).  Mauzee has been fantastic and I wouldn’t want anyone to think I’m the type of person that would want to “Milk” a situation like this, but it is nice to have such a caring person looking after you :)

I’m starting to feel like my old self again and we both saw it as a wake up call.  Basically I think there’s not a person on earth who doesn’t fall into the trap of not drinking enough water every single day.  It seems to me that water is the most important part of our daily diet and I now have an enormous 2 litre jug of filtered water sitting on the kitchen bench with my name on it.  I have to be able to see the bottom of it every night before turning in!!!

We are just looking forward to the day when our Premier turns up at her daily press conference to announce that we have reached 70% fully vaccinated in NSW.  This milestone will herald the start of restrictions being eased, but not entirely.  80% will be the really major mark and from there on I’m hoping we can start planning more holidays in Mini Mo.

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