Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera

The Pukeko

Mistress & I popped up to the Taylor Dam this afternoon while it was cloudy. Lots of Pukeko's today. If you look closely at this one you'll see it has water droplets over it's back. This is NOT rain. (The Mistress is saying "I Wish"). Instead, the mistress was trying to get close to this bird to photograph it, and it took of running on water with water droplets flying everywhere. We got a few shots of it, but nothing sharp. Then when we got into the car, it came running up to us closer and closer.

The mistress has concluded that this bird is an introverted petrol head. (Doesn't like people, but likes cars).

The Mistress also played around with textures for a while, but in the ended decided on a la naturale. Whatever that means!

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