
There was a sign lying face down. Having an insatiable curiosity I just had to see what it said. 

EEK! away!

Later on the car went in for a service. A phone call from the garage - the subframe is rotted to buggery [technical terminology] - (it supports the axle and spreads the weight of the vehicle). My tame mechanic would not let me drive it in that condition. Decisions. Source a second hand subframe and throw good money after bad? Get  a new car (Ooh electric or hybrid?) or just make do with the land rover? Not that the car owes us anything, pretty much 180,000 miles.

Another call - mechanic has sourced second hand one. Ah go on, let's see if we can't get to 200.000. Any hoo I wouldn't sell it if it was dangerous to drive (no altruism here, just that I may meet it coming the other way one day)

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