
By XSworld

Who am I

This scorpion was so upset that he dared facing up to the pest control located at the entrance on ground floor, he passed the labs and had almost managed to climb the flight of stairs leading to our offices when a colleague saw him and informed me. So I caught him in a 50 mL falcon tube and brought him to my office. He talked quickly and was clearly very agitated, he waved his pedipalps (pincers) in the air while talking and wagged his tail, making the venom bulb look very threatening. Apparently somone had called him an insect! The poor thing was in the middle of an identity crisis. "Insects have six legs, I have eight..", "I have eaten enough insects to know the difference.." were just some of the phrases I managed to catch. I tried to reassure him, but my words were not soothing enough. So I brought him home. My teenagers were thrilled, we haven't had a scorpion at home for years, not since we had Andrea, our pet scorpion (also saved from work and given this name as it works both for males and females), but this time we were not there for pet business, but to study. So we looked up scorpions in our encyclopedia, and I placed our little friend on the right chapter to read. Finally, reading the first few lines, the scorpion calmed down. His identity was cleared. He is a predatory arachnid, very distantly related to spiders from which scorpions diverged more than 400 million years ago and has nothing in common with the six-legged world of insects.
When I released him back in nature he was blissfully happy.

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