a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

It took a year and a bit...

....but it had to happen sooner or later.

Today was the day where I waltzed out of the house, DSLR camera in hand, and discovered when I tried to take a photo that I'd wandered across town without noticing that the memory card wasn't in the camera. Plans for the day were immediately abandoned in favour of effusive and deeply profound swearing that I feel- and I may be putting tickets on myself here - was on a par with Captain Haddock from Tintin.

So I took the easy option out blip-wise when I noticed that Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior was tied up at the Quay. I ferreted about in the murky depths of my handbag (aka The Pit of Despair*, aka The Abyss) and gingerly extracted my battered old compact.

Wasn't happy with any of the photos I took, and every man and his dog was quayside with their iphones and cameras generally making a nuisance of themselves. Mental note: definitely need to design an I'm a blipper - so get the f*** out of my way t-shirt.

Don't know why I solarised this. Let's chalk it up to whimsy, shall we?

In other news, still trying and failing to find out if anything is happening for Towel Day (61 days to go).... there doesn't appear to be any Vogon Poetry competitions or mass towel gatherings or indeed anything at all celebrating pan-galactic gargle blasters or spaceships which hang in the air in the same way that bricks don't. Curse you Sydney, get your finger out and show some respect to Douglas Adams! If sodding Finland, Norway and remote Amazonian tribes as yet untouched by western civilization can organise something, why can't we?
* From Princess Bride. Best. Film. Ever.

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