By lizzie_birkett

All Tucked Up!

Sabrina and Amelia came down for an overnight on their way to London.
Amelia is so excited mainly because of her figure skating competion on Monday but also because they will be having two days sight seeing first.
A lovely girlie weekend for them. It’s the first time Amelia and Lucy have been apart and they really miss each other. We had Facetime with little Lucy and she is also excited because Daddy is taking her on a ‘date’. A meal out and she said they will both be having the same to drink and whispered ‘Fanta’. 
She said they will both be getting dressed up and Daddy has to wear a shirt with a collar and she will be wearing her blue flowery dress. She’s so cute. Then she demonstrated her ukulele skills.

We were going to have a bar supper at our local tonight The Black Horse but they have had to close because the landlord and their 18 month old little boy both have Covid. They had 21 guests in the hotel rooms - some of whom were booked in for the week, and they had to send them all home.
One of our neighbours who works in the pub was telling us this and also that a lot of people in our village have Covid. 
I saw the bus waiting at the bus stop when Amelia and I took Bella walkies, 
it was full of passengers but we only counted 3 with masks on :-/

The extra is a photo of Amelia’s new boots, I love them! They are from M+S and actually go up to a size 5…..

Thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts yesterday. The tap dancing went well, knee only slightly sore this morning.

Goodnight :-)X

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