
The song ‘Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree’ was written in 1932 by Marion Sinclair. According to Wikipedia:
Marion Sinclair was a music teacher at Toorak College a girls' school in Melbourne... One Sunday morning in 1932, Sinclair had a sudden inspiration in church and dashed home to write down the words to "Kookaburra". In 1934 she entered the song into a competition run by the Girl Guides Association of Australia, with the rights of the winning song to be sold to raise money for the purchase of a camping ground... The song was performed for the first time in 1934 at the annual Jamboree in Frankston, Victoria, at which the Baden-Powells, founders of the Scouting and Guiding movements, were present.
Despite its "Aussieness", the song is well-known and performed around the world, particularly in the United States, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom where the Girl Guide movements in those countries have adopted it as a traditional song. It is included with other folk songs from around the world in the Girl Guide Song Book.”
This kookaburra evidently doesn't know the song and prefers to sit on the fence at our back gate.

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