Budget Day: Surplus To Requirements

We're moving offices, a huge task (which is why I've been very taciturn lately) so we're having a bit of a clearout. A massive clearout, in fact.

At the back of the cupboard under the stairs we found this. It's got some useful carry-handles on the back, and it must have gone on the Make Poverty History march in Edinburgh in 2005.

But the big news is that we don't need it any more. Whatever you say about the government (and believe me, I'm in the forefront of people saying stuff about them) I have to give them credit here. For in the budget, George Osborne announced we will finally commit (after 43 years) to spending 0.7% of our budget on aid. Now we just have to make sure they don't divert it to MOD budgets, but that's another story....

If you signed up to the IF Campaign, thank you, and if you didn't, it's not too late...

P.S. you should really click on the George Osborne link

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