
By stellarossa

Day 6

Past the half way mark. All the breathlessness had gone and my throat and sinuses feel much better. I called niece Hollie to wish her a happy 9th birthday and she asked ‘do you have to stay in your bedroom for ever?’. Thankfully not.

Wonderful Heather picked up Juno and took her for a long walk in Abingdon with a friend who also has a spaniel. It looks like the three spanielesses had a lovely time.

While Tom and Emma were at work,
I made work calls in the garden in the sun, then Sophie texted to say she was eating chips in my front garden. I opened the window and she sat far back and we chatted.

Later, back in my room preparing myself for a long weekend of confinement, a friend texted to say they’d heard I had Covid and didn’t want to see me until I was absolutely sure I wasn’t infectious. In fact we’d had no plans to see each other anyway so I was slightly bemused. It was quite a contrast to the friends who texted to see if I was okay and if I needed help. I guess anxiety was behind that message, although it was probably one that didn’t need to be sent really.

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