Red Admiral

In yesterday’s journal I omitted to mention that I had abstain from alcohol, caffeine and chocolate yesterday and nothing to eat this morning in preparation for a heart stress test today. That was a challenge as we had our friends for the day!

Regular readers of the journal may recall that I have been suffering from an atrial flutter this year. This test was to rule out any problems with the structure or plumbing of the heart. In the past this used to be done on a treadmill, nowadays it’s done by an injection that stimulates the heart while you’re lying down.

It was all in vain as a technical hitch led to the test being cancelled at the last minute. I was all prepped and ready for the injections when they decided the camera was not reliable enough do the job. They declined my offer of the iPhone as a replacement.

The journey back from the hospital was fraught as people panic buying fuel at Sainsbury’s caused jams on all the roads around the area as they backed up onto the main road, jamming junctions and turns. The Government said there was no need to panic. People did the opposite.

I managed to get home in the end, complete with a new saddle for my bike. Somehow it broke on Tuesday’s ride. Quite hungry. I should have rated my cheese sandwiches earlier.

Cheese sandwiches were part of the test. One of the injections was a radioactive dye and the cheese was important to remove that radiation! I would still be radioactive for a few hours and advised not to hug young children or pregnant ladies.

We did manage to get out for a walk before Susan went off to her mum’s. This Red Admiral was prostrate on the ground. I could have posted a Passion flower or one of several spiders and their webs. I’ll keep those for another day.

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