Not very calm

Another lovely, mild day, but a trifle windy. Excellent for wind-blown waves. Here they are breaking over rocky Muckle Carr. 

The ‘thing’ sticking up on the left, which intrigues many passers-by, is a boiler and is all that remains of a Norwegian ship, the SS Managua that ran aground  and was wrecked at Craster in November 1907. There is a list of all the wreckages in these waters, fortunately not that many and none recently. 

This is a fridge magnet I bought at Barter Books yesterday and I have been intrigued by the story of this phrase, which appears, often most annoyingly, all over the place. It was of course originally a WWII poster that was forgotten all about. Until in 2000 Stuart Manley, who with his wife Mary started and still own Barter Books, found a poster in a box of old books. Mary had it framed and put up in the shop where it was an instant hit. The shop started selling facsimile copies and these were soon copied, (and parodied) in their millions. It became an iconic image. 

Then I read that a guy from Surrey tried to copyright the phrase and this caused some fierce legal battles. I want to know more about this bit of the story

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