Deeside Diaries

By LadyP

Partway down the long road

With me it is hard to be totally relaxed unless I know someone really well - like I am with the few good friends I made at college and have known *mumble mumble* years - we spent many a night over a bottle or three, putting the world to rights and then putting ourselves to bed to sleep it off.

As you get older, you often become more isolated - people move away, or you move with your job (as I did) and of course, the friends get other lives, families and priorities. Meeting new people becomes difficult when you know no-one. Especially for introverted people like me, as happened when I found myself single again and pretty much all the people I had met after I moved here were met via my ex and so took the side you'd expect.

So, after some time licking my wounds, I've been slowly pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. Dealing with nerves to try and expand my life a bit. Getting involved with some local issues and chatting online with people. I've met some lovely, interesting people that way and I've now started meeting some of them in person, which is a scary step for me.

Of course a large part of this process has been sorting myself and my self-image out. That's what this blip portrays - as I work on losing weight I am working on gaining something else and so balancing the see-saw. What the end result will be remains to be seen - your guess is as good as mine at this point.

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