stephanie leigh

By stephanieleigh

Our Lady of Pompei

I rode by this "Our Lady of Pompei" church on my way to work after going to the Dermatologist in TriBeca this morning. I LOVE having all these appointments all over the city so that I can see things like this and note to myself to go back when it's better weather. (sidenote, I am not sick...I just haven't been to ANY of my annual exams since I moved here, so I'm trying to get them all done. I like to know I'm healthy :))

It was a cold, and VERY windy ride to work. It started snowing about 1/3 of the way there, and by the time I got to Macy's on 34th and lips were numb.

I can't imagine what it's going to be like when I am sweating from the hot sun beating down on me while I ride.

I welcome it.

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