
By LesTension


Fall is in the air....sort of. It was near 80°F. (27°C.) today which is hardly a cool fall temperature. The local prognosticator (weather dude) sez we're likely to be above average temp for the next month. 

I was so looking forward to a colorful display of leaves but so far not much is happening. Typically, we have peak color the 2nd week of October and with all the wet weather we've had there should be beau coup color. There are a few trees with magnificent coloration so far but the overall color of the forest is basically green to yellow.

dfb24, who lives less than 75 miles (121km) south of me, sez leaves are just turning brown and dropping off. I Have to agree. Here's a local hickory tree line with lots of brown leaves. I do not feel bad about posting a B&W image of brown leaves for mono Monday.

Best in Large.

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