Sick Kids

Today we busted CyclopsJnr out of school early for a hospital appointment. It was at the new Sick Kids, our first time there. Here's CyclopsJnr in the fancy waiting room controlling a giant dragon from a tablet.

We were in there ages as the appointment had four parts to it, but it was very efficient and everyone was lovely.

CyclopsJnr is being monitored for something that was noticed in passing when he had a high temperature once. The Consultant has always said CyclopsJnr would most probably go his whole life without it ever being an issue and he could have easily never found out he had it. They were perhaps more interested in it because CyclopsJnr had been premature but today said they wouldn't at this point consider him to have a condition as such. Outcome = come back in *four years* for next appointment. All good.

Unfortunately CyclopsJnr missed fencing, which he was disappointed about.

But MrsCyclops and CyclopsJnr did come home and make cakes which CyclopsJnr has been asking to do for about a week. We also ate cakes.

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