River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Today’s Windfalls …

… Bardsey eating apples, which came down with the heavy rain during the night. Won’t go to waste, washed, dried and in the fruit bowl :-))
I started watching Chelsea Flower Show on iPlayer a couple of days ago and watched with interest an interview with a diver who collects old fishing nets and recycles them into plant pots - https://oceanplasticpots.com/pages/about - very impressive! Deserved the RHS Chelsea Sustainable Garden Product of the Year 2021.
We had heavy rain for most of the day, apart from a couple of hours late afternoon - put remainder of yesterday's wash on the line just to get some air through them ... nightfall and it's pouring with rain again … think I’ve seen lightning too!! :-(((
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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