Collage Of The Day...!!

I would just like to say THANK YOU to all for the prayers and positive thoughts...tonight my mind is at ease.

2 weeks ago I had a mammogram at my local mobile unit and then last week had a letter with an appt. today at the HQ Breastcheck clinic at St. Vincent’s hosp. in Dublin for further tests but thankfully all was ok with nothing to be worried about..! The relief is unbelievable..
A number of years ago I attended one of these clinics with my Aunt as she underwent all these tests and at the end of that day was diagnosed with a Stage4 breast cancer..she was treated but passed away a number of years later..
So for the last few days I was worried while trying not to be tonight I’m just grateful for a lot of things.
The collage of photos are just some shots I took on the way home...and I can safely say hubby and I enjoyed the coffee & cake we treated ourselves to..!
October will be Pink Ribbon and Breast Cancer awareness month and after this experience I will be helping promote that in any way I can.
Thanks again...the support of my Blip community pals means a lot...
Annie x

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