The Mobile Coffee Shop

We often see it parked down Bunkers Hill at Aberford when we are out with the dogs. It seems to be very popular but I haven't tried it yet, as I don't usually have any change on me these days. The 2 who run it are really friendly guys, I must try it next time

More shopping today for odds and sods, Got some tomato juice for Paula, which has been absent from all the supermarket shelves for weeks now and managed to get some petrol without any problem today, no queue's at Tesco thank goodness. Maybe people are calming down a bit after the initial stupid rush.

Otherwise a fairly quiet day, I need it after all my shopping. Even had a simple tea of beans on sourdough toast.

Watched Yorkshire Vet, if you watched it the chap, Ian, who they went to re the pig has a Mobile Farm and is down Bunkers Hill at Aberford, I walk past it about 3 times a week, when walking the dog. and also watched This week on the Farm, at Canon Hall Farm. 

So good night all off to bed now.

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