Rant Alert

So we live on a gravel, country road, and every summer to avoid the choking dust, we put down 900 feet of a liquid material that hardens to nearly asphalt. This is to the tune of about a thousand bucks, out of our shallow pockets. And every year, at the first hint of rain, the county road department comes out and grades it all up. Sure enough, yesterday, after a morning rain, here they came, with their shiny yellow grader, and bladed it all up. The problem is, if we have dry weather again, we have the dust.

I have registered complaint after complaint with the county on this issue, to zero avail. I even met with one of the county commissioners a couple of weeks ago. No help. I am not asking for the moon, or even paving in front of our place. All I have asked is, can’t you leave this stretch ungraded until it starts to break down? I don’t get it. Their answer is, nope, we gotta grade it all, no exceptions. So there you go. Damn frustrating.

I am ready to quote Pap from The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn to these folks: “Call this a guvment? A man cain’t get his rights in a guvment like this.” A man cain’t get his road in a guvment like this either.

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