Bedknobs and Broomsticks

Kerri and I went to see the musical Bedknobs and Broomsticks in Norwich this afternoon.  I'd loved the Disney film as a child which combined real actors with cartoons (perhaps for the first time?) but couldn't really remember the story until I saw it today and then it came back to me.  Especially this one:

Bobbing along,
Bobbing along on the bottom
Of the beautiful briny sea
What a chance
To get a better peep
At the plants
And creatures of the deep
We glide...

Anyway it was amazing - and magical and we couldn't work out how they made the bed fly and you know what we didn't care we just thoroughly enjoyed it.

Theatre audience consisted of mostly middle aged folk and not full - despite being West End standard.  There was a  thoroughly well deserved standing ovation.  I heartily recommend it if you get a chance to go, click here for tour dates.

Extra of Kerri and I.

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