All The Fun Of The Fair

Sophie and her friend Isaac looked like they had a lot of fun at Bridgwater Fair after school this afternoon. The Fair is one of those traditional ones, dating back toothed 13th Century, originally involving hiring of labourers, servants, etc and the sale of livestock, then expanding to general trade. There were also entertainers and eventually, in the 1800s, the funfair element developed and that is now the sole purpose of the fair.

The blip is a bit of a cheat as Kate took it and sent it to me but it’s far better and more interesting than anything I’ve taken today,though to stick to the rules I’ve put one I took of our Bidens in extras.
In the interests of privacy, I’ve deliberately blurred Isaac out.
While Tess had Keep Fat this morning I had a face to face appointment at the doctors’ (no problem getting one round our way: I phoned at 8.30 and got an appointment for 10.10). I’ve been having problems with swollen ankles and feet; the nurse thinks it’s due to the blood pressure tablets I’ve been on so I’ve now got some different ones to try out.

After that our friends Tony & Rosie called in for coffee. This afternoon we had a delivery of logs ready for winter. Our friend John, who we normally get our logs from,  can’t get hold of any this year so we’re trying a different supplier who he recommended. It was a bigger load than we anticipated and took quite a while to stack away but we were delighted to get the under cover before tomorrow’s predicted rain

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