On reflection, maybe I’m making too much of this.

Not the best way to start the day.
This morning I woke up to find two very strange texts on my mobile, one definitely from Barclays, and the other very odd indeed, which turned out to be genuine from Barclays in the end.  It referred to a pending payment from yesterday evening and I had not looked at the phone until the morning.  When I checked the bank accounts (a morning ritual for some twenty years) sure enough that unknown payment was there.
Now the traumatic experience was not the transaction, it was the half hour I spent trying to talk to a human being on the other end of the phone!!  I tried umpteen different numbers, each time ending up with a robot asking for letters from my telephone banking password which I do not have - never used it from  the time it was hoisted on me many years ago.  In the past we have always got straight through to a human being when we have had the odd problem.
When I finally found a human being I was exhausted.  The bank, however, could not have been more helpful and the card was stopped there and then, and after chatting to the fraud section I was given a direct line number to call back on when the transaction appears as taken - in pending a transaction has not actually taken place and could be cancelled by the company so the bank can’t act.
Just a bit of useful information for you all.  A new fraud line telephone number is being trialled - 159.  Nine of the major banks have subscribed so far, and you use the keypad to get straight through to the fraud department of your bank.  Mrs W found it in the newspaper this afternoon, and I just tried it. Barclays are at ‘1’.
Not the Saturday silliness I like to remember Admirer with, but that’s how my day has been.  On reflection maybe I’m making too much of this. Let’s just hope that I have cut up the correct card . . . ? ? ?
Many thanks to Energia for hosting Silly Saturday this month

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