Men at work

We had to call the water board as there was a problem with our drain. The drain goes across our garden then through under the wall into the bungalow grounds, then out to the road beyond. They sent a camera down, then cleared with a high pressure hose, then sent the camera again. It still isn’t fully cleared. The problem is over the wall, but as the neighbours were out and their gate is locked, they will have to come back another time. Such excitement!
This episode made me find the house diary I have been keeping since we moved here in 1967. Everything we did was listed and it makes fascinating reading. Did we really let the house for just £21 per week while we were in Kenya in 1972? Sadly I haven’t kept the book up in the last few years. This afternoon N is reading it, and keeps coming up with interesting titbits, things we had quite forgotten.

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