a day for a cycle was the thought, wondering about wind directions before the caffeine had fully kicked in, grabbing a bike deciding that the wind was from the north, swapping the bike for the metro and daydreaming past the connection that i'd intended to take... getting off at the wrong station which turned out to be the right station as i recognised immediately that this was the one with the amazing bakery nearby, stocking up on a couple of their hazelnut buns and finding cinnamon buns... the local gods are smiling on me i thought as i grabbed a bike and found my way to the cycle path down the river, where it turned out that it was windier than i'd thought, that the wind was from the south and into my face, that the local gods were in fact laughing at me... the rabbit hole back in fossil mode, kerala... gods own country i'd been told by a keralan flatmate, he wasn't wrong...

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