Some books survive the most..

Downpour all day. Had to find something to blip inside. Took this Bible  from the book shelf. It was printed in 1858 (Extra). I got it when my mother passed away 6 years ago, 9 years after my father passed away. It has  been standing in our book shelf ever since. It`s just there to tell us that some in our family, my father`s family, have been diligent users of the worn out Bible. Got curious and wanted to study its history. I think my grandmother Sofie must have been reader of the book. She passed away in 1932 only 34 years old. Don`t believe my grandfather Aksel who passed away in 1951. I don`t remember him, I was only 4. I have read his memories though. Believe my great grandmother Karen, who was born in 1849, 100 years before I was born has been a reader, and my great great grandmother Ellen (1817-1885), and even my great great great grandmother Pernille theoretically could have had her hands on the book  even if the Bible is printed only 1 year before she passed away in 1859.  I hope my next generation will take good care of the book, hoping it will have a long life after I am gone   

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