Planetary Breathing Machine

"Trees bare of their leaves in winter ..... began to look like those medical student mock-ups of the vein and artery network inside the human lung; in effect I suddenly saw trees for what they really are: planetary breathing machines."

Pete Townshend: Who I Am

Read this comment on the effects on his perception of experimenting with LSD in Pete Townshend's autobiography last night and could see what he meant (without the aid of any artificial stimulants!) on the 9th fairway this morning.

Sadly, this particular Planetary Breathing Machine breathed in too deeply and sucked my drive right in to the very base of its trunk, so that I could only chip out sideways! Today's was the coldest round we've played all winter, which is saying something.

Heard back from the RSPB at Ham Wall today, confirming that the subect of Sunday's blip was a mink. They were grateful for the info as apparently mink have a detrimental effect on the local wildlife. Thanks to cowgirl for the advice on this.

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