Double Shot Mummy


Build a Bear for Amber and Adam's 3rd Birthday

Happy birthday Amber and Adam! 3 years old: Amazing! We have just loved getting to know you since being in Dubai, you are such fun, kind and considerate friends. Today was their real birthday and we went to Build a Bear with them in the Marina Mall.

Unfortunately Oscar wasn't well enough to go with his laryngitis. Thankfully daddy was still at home with his sore leg, so along with the promise of some 'pirate tv', he understood he needed to stay home. I took Maple and Bailee and we had a blast. Bailee picked out a pink bear (She called it Pink). She chose a blue princess outfit for it and pink heart nick-hacks. It has a Brahms lullaby inside. Bailee also chose Oscar a monkey with a 'Woody' cowboy outfit and a monkey sound inside. The children all loved watching and helping stuff their bears, inserting the hearts inside the bears, giving them a bath and naming them.

Afterwards we went to Starbucks for cupcakes and candles. Maple even had a feed in public and didn't wiggle around like a worm, making a huge scene as she usually does! :-)

Oscar was absolutely delighted with his Monkey (Banana). They both haven't put them down all day.

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