Too soon?

To save fuel I decided to do an online grocery order and it was delivered this morning. I hummed & hawed about adding these but a Twitter exchange convinced me that if they are available I'd be daft not to order some. 

The driver arrived early but after the biblical rain. He told me that he'd soon be finished for the day. He had 20 deliveries on the van but no diesel, he thought he'd get the next drop done and that would be it. The Sainsbury's filling station that they normally use is out of fuel and so are many of the stations he had passed this morning. The problem is that they are not getting replenished, hopefully now that the army has been brought in the tankers will get out and the filling stations will be refilled. I'm glad I didn't use any diesel to go shopping and I hope that the driver got home. I plan to enjoy a mince pie with a nice cup of tea.

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