By lizzie_birkett

Barging Ahead

I love these big old carrier boats. I went out to the back deck to get a Blip and  exchanged a few words with the lady about the weather then she went on her way and I went back inside to carry on with a bit of cleaning and packing up to go back to the house.

We had to go back because I’d run out of my medication and left my supplies behind. Also Frank was expecting a delivery of a keyboard. He’s been looking for one that would fit on the boat so he can practice piano when we're on board. 

The news from the Airdrie household is good and bad. Sabrina has now tested positive for Covid and feels rotten. John is slightly better.  Amelia is loads better but Lucy’s mouth looks worse. she was unable to take the oral anti-biotic liquid and kept vomiting it back up. Sabrina phoned the GP and she was prescribed Fucidin anti-biotic cream which Lucy said she would allow them to apply. She also managed a bit of scrambled egg today. :-)

I spent the afternoon doing the washing and it was sunny and dry so I hung it out. Also drew my Inktober picture the prompt was ‘Knot’. 
Dropped a gift round for the new baby next door but two. We don’t know them well. She’s their first baby and they’ve called her Primrose - how lovely!

Now watching telly and knitting.
Soon book and bedtime. 

Goodnight :-)X

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