Walking the line

7.6km of grass cutting and rotavating whilst waiting for forecast rain that is yet to arrive. (First drops fell just after I write this.)Before that I went to the local dump with a year’s worth of steel, lights, old fencing. I kept putting it off because of Covid protocols. I turned out there weren’t many except the mask and socially skirting around the woman in charge.

The carrots have done well with the drip irrigation. Always a huge pain to weed and thin in the early days but timing and perseverance paid off and no carrot fly. Lots more to lift.

Picked a last - probably 10kgs - of tomatoes. They need stopped now but cooler weather from Friday should do that.

Made another 4 litres of brinjal fig chutnee over the weeks before the Boss high-tailed it to Vienna for a first face to face committee meeting since you know what.

I listened to a dramatisation of the Nuremberg trials whilst cutting down the sparse droughty growth of the droughty summer. I sat out with a beer after but two tiger mosquitoes set to to bite through my sweat sodden clothes.

Back to Seinfeld in the evening. Still funny as.

An extra for the ‘through my Tuscan fly screen’ series. It’s Borgo alla Collina.

Breaking: the centre-left Partito Democratico has done well in south east Tuscany (Arezzo and Sienna) and won mayoral elections in Bologna, Milan and Rome. As leader Enrico Letta says, ‘The Right can be beaten.’

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