Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

But it's not all bad news. The Pop-Up exhibition window in Chatham Intra is showing these at the moment. In front, one of a series of Body Forms by Dr Frances Geesin [Des RCA] “ electroplated polypropylene fibre. The aim was to create a series of forms described with line, gradually reducing the amount of fibre covering, yet still suggesting or describing the form”
While behind it is “Celebration” by the same peson. “Industrial non-woven fabric designed for water filtration, embellished with urishi lacquer, coloured silk thread and stitched electroplated Japanese maple leaves. Exhibited in Matsushima, Japan Nov 2015.

The body form is from the earlier part of the series with more substance than some, but I liked the reflection of the sky coming through the leaves on the trees around the synagogue across the street, which seemed to compliment the window display.

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