I had a lovely day

I actually had a lovely day. 

Reason to love telecommuting #91:  Samuel sleeps in.

Samuel sleeps in now but because I work from home I can wait until he comes down, he can wait until I have a break in the meetings, and we can go for a walk. 

Today when we walked we saw the construction supervisor who came up, instantly, with an alternative to putting plastic pipes that direct water into my back yard. He said the guys would replant my hostas in two hours. 

Immediately I texted blip's FAVORITE horticultural expert and shared my thoughts. She asked for pictures. 

Me:  Samuel, want to go home now so I can take pictures?
Samuel:  Haven't you been telling me for weeks now that I don't take you on long enough walks?
Me:  Samuel, want to go home now so I can take pictures?
Samuel:  Oh, we haven't been in this direction for a long time, let's keep going.
Me:  Samuel, want to go home now so I can take pictures?
Samuel:  The weather is perfect right now, let's keep walking. 

Reason to love telecommuting #92:  you see when the guys are about to lay grass seed and you can tell them that you don't need it. You are going to do something far more interesting than attempt to grow grass where grass does not belong. 

I am so enthused. 

I am so excited.

The guys found one of my paving stones that I forgot existed because they'd covered it up with dirt. They laid a thin layer of compost along the strip by the wall. They actually did not plant the hostas but if they don't by the end of tomorrow then I will.

My deck: 
I also decided I don't need to grow vegetable plants that never produce. (To be fair it is just the tomato plants that rarely produce, and then very little.) 
I can grow flower plants that never produce. ;-) We'll see. Maybe I can grow flowers with the sun on my deck, especially if they cut back one of the tree limbs that is looking dangerous. 

I'm so thankful. 

What a lovely experience and what a lovely day. 

Hooray for friends who are horticultural experts. 

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