
By fitzbilly

Mop Fair Revisited

We had a very enjoyable camera club outing to the Cirencester Mop Fair this evening, first time since 2018. The weather turned out to be a lot better than expected and at the end of the evening three of us even managed to pop into the King's Head Hotel for a beer before heading home. When we left the rain had started to belt down and the rides were already being dismantled. They come back again for the next two Mondays which always strikes me as a strange way to operate as it involves a lot of extra work and travel.

Dating back to the 12th century the Mop Fair takes its name from the original purpose which was a hiring event where servants carried the tools of their trade to show they were available to work.

We had the tools of our trade, cameras and tripods mainly. I took over 150 images, most will be binned!

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