Quick nip into town

I have been meaning to go into town for about a week, almost completely run out of bird seed for the feeders.
I hate taking the car into town, the traffic, the parking, just don't like it. Taking the bike is so much easier and you can pretty much park anywhere you want.
After visiting WILKO, for the bird sunflower hearts and peanuts, I nipped around the corner to Sainsbury's in-town supermarket. I didn't look, just parked up and turned around to find there it was, gone! It's closed down and looks like it's going to be some sort of furniture shop.
I was going to buy a couple of packets of Hob Nobs biscuits to take to Aide at Mantra Motorcycles but called it a day and went home to feed the birds, slightly more then 'Tuppence a bag' Mary Poppins!

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