
By Dizzy2302

Is a job too much to ask?

TG redundancy takes effect Friday, officially out of work and self esteem shattered! Already 62 applications....not one reply :-(.

Not one for politics me.....don't trust any of the beggars!!! but I do feel for the young in UK right now. So often our youth get bad press, and yes a minority do probably deserve it, but there are a larger proportion who just want a job and someone to give them a chance. Am not one to be heard saying ..."in my day, blah blah blah......" but I do feel we had it easier. At 15 when I knew I wanted to be an architect, a girl, an architect, well I never!!!!.....Brian A.W Savage, god rest his soul, gave me a chance. He took a very big chance on me. I had no experience, but he shared his and not just for a couple of hours but for years!!! Yes I qualified and spent 15 years of my life in a job that I adored but only because one person thought I was worth the effort. Any employers amongst you, checking out my journal, give a young person a job, a chance, you might be pleasantly surprised!!

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