
By Brotographer

An Interlude

Taking a break from the black and white and going for some downtoned instead. This is a little greek orthodox church, which my grandma showed me while we were out walking the dog today!

I normally don't tend to talk about the dull days, as its not what I want to look back upon, but going out walking the dog and hanging out with family is probably the only fun thing during these days of constant work. Dynamics is taking way too long to finish, from being so vaguely explained everywhere I look, rather than from lack of drive. On the contrary, I keep on adding stuff to my to do list of things to look forward to after all this work is done. So that's keeping me somewhat motivated..
I guess my degree finally caught up with me in third year. Not that I'm leaving things to the last minute, this assignment is due in 5 weeks or so! Well, here's to hoping I finish tomorrow. Enjoy the sharpness of this photo.

I guess I picked the right day for a depressing blip, Dave finally posted a positive one!


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