Busy Day

Walked to the supermarket this morning because we had run out of bread, and spotted this at an empty shop window.  Sometimes, even if a shop is empty and waiting for new occupants (a little more challenging these COVID days), they'll put something on display, or even invite other shops to display their goods (for a small fee, of course) until somebody signs a new contract.  Clearly, someone is looking forward to Carnaval Season, which won't actually start till just before Lent next year.  You can see that the 'V' isn't exactly in the middle, but this didn't make the mask any less attractive.  I'd love to see myself in one, to be honest.

Other than that walk, spent the whole day organizing the kitchen shelves.  Didn't finish it all so the work will go on tomorrow.  Not that we have loads of things, but, as you know, there are always points to consider -- AW's height compared to mine, who uses what most often, what stuff is hardly used, if at all.  Whatever, I'll be glad when I'm done.  One thing is sure -- did more going up and down stairs than usual, so my knees feel rather knocked about.

Some gaming whenever I took a break, but way too tired to MOOCk.  AW was exhausted clearing up all the packaging material, and the usual garden chores, and all that in between bouts of rain.  Tomorrow, it will most likely be the same.

Thank you for all the stars yesterday!  For a cloudy day shot, I had hoped it was not too bad.

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