Clark Tales

By cclark

Equality why so hard?

Today I'm hoping the Supreme Court in America makes a point and doesn't just send it back to the States - it is not a shameful thing to decide all people are equal!

In 1999 The West Wing aired an episode called 'take out the trash day' this happened:

"MR. LYDELL: I don't understand how he can take such a completely weak-ass position on gay rights.
Gays in the military, same-sex marriage, gay adoption, boards of education - where the hell is he? I want to know what qualities necessary to being a parent this President feels my son lacked? I want to know from this President, what qualities necessary to being a soldier this President feels my son lacked? Lady, I'm not embarrassed my son was gay. My government is."

I hate that it's taken nearly 14 years but finally you Americans have someone on your side in the White House willing to stand up for Equality amongst human beings! Barack Obama? what took u so long to be elected lol. X

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