Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

3 figures in a landscape

I have had a lovely day today

Because of heavy rain I did not swim early but went to Dun Laoghaire and a browse around the shops. I bought a blouse, a book of famous women scientists for grand-daughter, a book of Paul Klee Art for my husband’s cousin in Roundwood (I am visiting for tea next week) , the BFG dvd for when the grandchildren visit again.

I had a swim at 4pm and bumped into an old friend Breda who I haven’t seen in a while. We had a great chat as we threaded water and she said Jean put the 4th December into your calendar and keep it clear. OK Breda but why. Ah sure all will be be revealed soon Jean. Hmmm

Then 2 sets of tennis. Liz and Martina beat Nuala and me 6-4 in the first set and we beat them 7-5 in the second. Good fun

I plan to watch Oceans Eleven on RTE 2 tonight and then Call Me by Your Name after that (although a bit late at 11.45pm as I will be yawning by then.

My blip was an impulsive shot coming off the tennis court. 2 young people chatting on the bridge and the jogger coming into view. I tried to catch them all in a box to themselves and almost succeeded

Saturdays are for chillin’

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