
By rower2012

Bedraggled Rosellas

I can't think of a single teenager who looked fantastic when going through those awkward years. It's the same for birds. The rather scruffy specimen of Adelaide Rosella on the left is growing his (or her) adult feathers ready for winter, and when they come completely through, he'll wow the opposite sex like no tomorrow! For the moment this youngster just looks scruffy and moth-eaten.

The parent on the right is just plain wet on account of it's raining today. That is why they have food as in grain all over their beaks and faces, as they seeds were damp.

It was only a few days ago (22nd March) that I blipped this same adult Adelaide Rosella. May I thank all of you again for the many wonderful comments I received that day.

In discussions with jenni, we feel this is probably a mother and baby and it was good that they briefly came back to the bird feeder, right in front of my office window.

A closer family.

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