
By Mrsmacdub

Day 5 Level 3 Lockdown Step 1

We had a quiet day today, spending the morning preparing preserved lemons (me) and cooking soup for lunch (hubby).

After lunch I took my Mum out for a drive in the sunshine, the first time she had left her retirement village in just over two months.  I took her to look at the outside of a beautiful new house daughter and son-in-law are marketing for sale (they’re real estate agents) and to our delight they were preparing to leave the property having just conducted a private inspection.  We had an enjoyable chat with them before parting company

The blip shows the flowering cherry tree in the garden that is slowly colouring up with blossom; and the lemons cut up and mixed with salt ready to be put into jars and left to ferment.  They add such a delicious flavour to lots of dishes. 

There were 60 new community cases today, 56 in Auckland, 3 in the Waikato region and 1 in the Bay of Plenty. Things are not looking good for a move to Level 3 Step 2. We’ll find out our fate at 4pm tomorrow.

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