#827.. South East Queensland (SEQ) Trail Series...

Today was the start of the SEQ Trail Series... These 3 - Darren, Alanna and Ruben obtained free entry to the complete series of 8 rounds... The intraining group had the most entered members so were given 3 completely FREE entries... Darren and Alanna got theirs through competitions the club had... Ruben got his because Jess who's photo I've blipped before in her running wheelchair that her dad Paul pushes along at many events on road but unfortunately trails just aren't possible, so she asked if she could gift it to someone and they said yes, so they asked if Ruben would like the entery... I cried as this was awesome of them to offer it to him as funds are tight at present and we'd only been able to enter him in round 1 and were then going to see how money was later and who had spare tickets as their events usually sell out... So to know he's got a full series of trails to compete in is fantastic... So thankful for the running community...

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