Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas


adding to the sounds
of a documentary —
images — music

The documentary film was Plogoff, des pierres contre des fusils (Plogoff, stones against guns). It was shot in 1980 when villagers from and around Plogoff, a small village on Cape Sizun, the westernmost point of Brittany, battled against armed police to resist the public inquiry about the construction of a nuclear plant on their coast. New copies of the "reels" were made last year through restoration of the original ones.

What I saw and heard was a project around the film: musicians endeavoured to add to it by filling the blanks in the soundtrack (no music was originally planned) with modern, electronic music. The result was rather good, I found, in that the music played blended well, to the point that I sometimes forgot it was being performed on the stage, rather than played alongside the images I was watching.

This has allowed me to photograph "fresh" subjects for the second day in a row, which makes me glad.

Extra: a still from the film

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