
The Jedi was unsettled a bit last night so he had more calpol and then slept till nearly half 8 this morning. He ended up going back to bed at 10 for a few hours. 

I tidied half the office and tidied and moved things around in the garage. Thank goodness for a double size one. But things had to be shifted around as my new sofa's should be coming in a week. And I need space in .y garage to store one of these sofa's. The other one will be going to the dump. They are calling on Thursday this week to arrange delivery. We're thinking of getting another TV for the playroom so the Wildlings use that room more. We currently use the playroom tv in the lounge since Harp smashed our one with a wooden yo-yo. 

I was so proud of Harp today. She has had so many negative experiences with dogs and is petrified of them. She cries and runs away if she sees a dog. But my neighbour sent me some photos of Charlie on Friday and I had been showing her them all weekend. Well he was collected today. And Harp decided she would stroke his paw. This is a massive deal for her. I'm hoping seeing him more often will build up her confidence with dogs . 

The boys didn't eat much steak last night because it wasn't a Tbone. No way will they be getting one of those. They're having gammon for dinner tonight. I'm trying to give them different meals. With autism comes lots of food issues. But hopefully one different meal a week will help. 

The Jedi surprised me today too. He doesn't really speak much and when I picked him up he came out with "Baa baa black sheep" he wanted his songs on tv. 

Thanks for always commenting and one of these days I'll get back to replying :-) . 

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